(延伸 三千大道篇) 第七章 佛曰(1/2)
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buddha said: one floer, one orld, one buddha, oathagata

buddha said: thereno endthe seasufferg, and turng backthe shore

buddha said:the seedthe cae, the harvestthe result, all are createdheart

buddha said: all thgs are iperanent, therelife and theredeath;younot persistthe birth and death, your heart illsilent and unable, and you ill get eternal joy huan begs suffer fro the desire for eternal beauty and iortality

buddha said: great sorro ithout tears, great understandg ithout ords, silent ughter

buddha said: loveleave, hatehate ill, letof the estreturn,css it's nothg but epty floers it'silsion


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