(延伸 三千大道篇) 第十四章 七宗罪—暴怒(1/2)
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generate irrational anger, revengepeople besides the poer giventhe , the desirepunish othersalso regardedanger discriation, excessive vigce and tentionhurt others are also nsidered ragedistort the lovejticevengeance and hatred

the desire for revenge origates fro the rage, hatred and angerthe bottoy heart, hich leadsoutntrol eotions and strong desire for revenge

rage blds your eyes, darkness erodes your heart, hatred burnsyour heart, anger burns, destroys the orld and everythg!

angerthe orld, hatredthe eney, disappotentlife, all thgs canthe sourceanger, ignite the devil fire and burn everythgthe orld

thisseven- rage


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