ening Awareness(1/1)
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ening Awareness

The concept of ition was introduced in cognitive psychology by Flavell (1979), who defined hat takes as its object or regulates any aspect of any cognitive behavior” (Flavell, 1979, ). He then described ition as awareness of how one learns, awareness of when one does and does not understand, knowledge of how to use available information to achieve a goal, ability to judge the cognitive demands of a particular task, knowledge of what strategies to use for what purposes, and assessment of one's progress both during and after perforacognitive awareness involves both experience and knowledge (Flavell, 1979). itive experience is a feeling we have about our cognition, while itive knowledge consists of our beliefs and knowledge about learning.

Since Wenden (1987) first drew public attention to the enormous potential that anding L2 learning, L2 researchers (e. g., Goh, 2008; Vandergrift, 2004) have proposed specific itive approaches to help learners raise their itive awareness about listening and integrate the use of strategies while listening. Research on the effects of ruction has also provided so perforonfidence, and hrough classroo (e. g., Goh, 2002b; Vandergrift & Tafaghodtari, 2010).

Based on Flavell's (1979) theoretical ition, Vandergrift, Goh, Mareschal, and Tafaghodtari (2006) classified ening awareness into five categories: problem solving, planning-evaluation, mental translation, person knowledge and directed attention. To help learners integrate the use of rategies while listening, Vandergrift (2004) proposed a cycle which includes such itive processes as proo use strategies to regulate their corategies being used, and evaluating the strategies used in the listening process. Such itive processes not only raise the learners' itive awareness about their strategy use but also offer eeded scaffolding while learners are working with listening texts. “Learners who suessfully use these strategies to iprehension will also experience an increase in motivation” (Goh, 2008, ).


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