Coles of Vocabulary Acquisition(1/1)
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Coles of Vocabulary Acquisition (VA) Scores

In order to establish whether to cowo cycles in the analyses involving the measures of vocabulary acquisition, t-tests were used to pare the vocabulary acquisition scores for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. First total vocabulary scores (obtained by averaging the scores on the separate tests) were pared. The results are shown in Table 37. The differences for both immediate and delayed vocabulary posttests reached significance level (p=.016 and .001). Next, the scores obtained for the different vocabulary acquisition sub-tests were pared. The results, as shown in Table 38, indicate that except for the vocabulary form sub-tests, the learners' scores differed significantly in all the tests in the two cycles of listening. Given that the learners clearly differed in their ability to learn vocabulary from the listening tasks of the two cycles, a decision was taken to conduct separate analyses for each cycle.

Table 37 T-tests of Vocabulary Acquisition Scores for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 (whole sample, N=172)

Table 38 T-tests of Three Vocabulary Sub-test Scores for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 (whole sample, N=172)

Note. C=cycle; M=mean; SD=standard deviation; Imm=immediate posttests; Del=delayed posttests.


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