Pedagogical Is(1/2)
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Pedagogical Is

The findings of this study suggest the following pedagogical is.

Text repetition in listening prehension is clearly helpful in facilitating learners' listening prehension, and it is especially helpful for learners with low listening proficiency. In an authentic municative setting, however, repetition of oral input ed by the listener. Therefore, in order for learners to develop the coeeded for listening in a real coeachers need to reduce repetition over time. In other words, repetition of listening texts may suit the needs of beginners, but the final goal of listening teaching is to enable learners to be able to prehend input in authentic listening settings. It is suggested therefore that for learners with low listening proficiency, EFL teachers should start with providing opportunities for repeated listening and then gradually move toward the final state of one-time listening. With regard to the difficulty level of the listening texts, instruction should aim only to provide input that is slightly above the learners'current level of petence. As argued by Rost (2011, ), “By receiving input that is progressively urally acquires listening ability”. Therefore, EFL teachers should choose reasonably challenging listening materials to suit low proficiency listeners, and as their petence develops, the listening texts can gradually increase in linguistic difficulty.

Listening texts not only serve learners as a tool for practicing listening but also as a source of incidental vocabulary acquisition. Therefore, when designing listening texts for the purpose of incidental vocabulary learning, EFL teachers should keep the following issues in mind.

(a) New words to be learned incidentally in the listening texts should be limited to a very she total words in the text. As noted by Read (2004, ), “the vocabulary learning goals for minimum levels of both listening and reading coo be set somewhat higher than 95 percent coverage”. Hu & Nation (2000) also argued that learners need to know at least 98% of the words in order to read independently. “However, there is sio confidently establish a coverage requirement for listening at the moment” (Schmitt, 2008, ). The pri learners are able to co. Only when the percentage of new words is low can learners possibly attend to unknown words and guess their ively.

(b) EFL teachers should maximize meaning—focused exposure as well as providing explicit vocabulary instruction. Repetition of the target words is an idition for incidental vocabulary acquisition to our. Considering that what is retained by the listener is the encoded information in memory (Danks & End, 1987), words which leave memory (such as frequently repeated words) ood than those leaving fewer traces in meprehension. As described previously, the maximum exposures to the target words in this study were only six, which probably could only leave very slight traces of word form in met for form-meaning mapping by the learners. Aording to Webb (2007: 64), when “learners meet unknown words ten ti, sizable learning gains ur”. Schmitt (2008) suggested that 8-10 reading exposures may give learners a reasonable chance of acquiring an initial receptive knowledge of words. Therefore, it is advised that each target word should our several tis in the listening tasks. As argued by Huckin & Coady (1999, ) “there are so many variables involved in learning a word that it is impossible to deterhreshold for number of exposures. tors as the word's salience in a given text, its recognizability as a cognate, its morphology, the learner's interest, and the availability and richness of context clues”.

(c) The linguistic properties of the listening texts:


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