Appendix D: Vocabulary Tests(1/2)
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Appendix D: Vocabulary Tests

Vocabulary Pre-test

There are 25 words in the list below. Circle a number after each word to tell how well you know the word.

4 = I know the word well and can use it correctly

3 = I know the word quite well but would have difficulty in using it.

2 = I know the meaning of the word but cannot use it.

1 = I would only know the meaning of the word if I saw it in a sentence.

0 = I do not know the word at all.


Vocabulary Posttests 1:

A. Production Test

Fill in the blanks with words from the passages you have just heard.

1. The fall was —it took place over just three months.

2. The Johnson pany's prices were very in the first quarter of the year.

3. This was not a very good perfor at least we had stopped the in sales.

4. They were able to sell their coheaper price than we could sell our own coernational market and at home in the market.

5. But we ended with stronger sales than we expected and I a year.

6. This is important so we know what they want. We need to know whether they want to stay at the conference centre or just attend daily.

7. Many of the buildings were actually designed by the students from the Departy.

8. I'm sorry but we have just run out of conference bags, but one will be later if you want to e by the registration desk.


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