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[36] 出于个人的兴趣,也是基于职业的需要,胡佛对高级官员的私生活非常感兴趣,他可能注意到了凯南与福斯迪克交谈时的兴奋。麦卡锡主义横行时期,在为罗伯特·奥本海默举行的秘密听证会上,凯南力证奥本海默的清白。美国国务院中国问题专家小约翰·佩顿·戴维斯的忠诚遭受恶意诽谤,并因此被驱逐出政府,凯南公开表明立场,支持戴维斯。虽然联邦调查局也调查过凯南,不过从未以任何不当行为为由指控过凯南。胡佛肯定地说,实际上,“调查局与凯南的关系非常好”。凯南作为国务院职员,要为调查局提供信息。连两个“不起眼儿的职员”的活动,他都要一五一十地汇报。加迪斯:《乔治·凯南:冷战之父的一生》,第496-497页。

[37] Dorothy Fosdick, interview with Gaddis, October 29, 1987, pp. 1-2, box 1, Gaddis papers.

[38] Miscamble, Kennan and the Foreign Policy, 35。

[39] Berlin and Berlin, interview with Gaddis, November 29, 1992, p. 30, box 1, Gaddis papers.

[40] Ullman, interview with Gaddis, September 30, 1987, p. 5, ibid.

[41] Kenh W. Thompson, interview with Gaddis, December 6, 1982, p. 1, ibid.

[42] Nicholas Thompson, The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War (New York: Henry holt, 2009), 205。

[43] Gaddis, George F. Kennan, 592-93; Costigliola, “Is This George Kennan?” New York Review of Books, December 8, 2011, p. 6。

[44] Gaddis, George F. Kennan, 671-72; Thompson, Hawk and the Dove, 311。

[45] Christopher Kennan, interview with author, September 22, 2012。

[46] John H. Elliott, interview with Gaddis, December 7, 1992, p. 8, box 1, Gaddis papers.

[47] Bundy and Bundy, interview with Gaddis, December 6, 1987, p. 2, ibid.

[48] Arthur s. Link, interview with Gaddis, September 5, 1984, p. 9, ibid.

[49] Kennan, interview with Gaddis, December 13, 1987, p. 26, box 16, Kennan papers.

[50] Kennan to Jeate Kennan, Thanksgiving Day, 1921, box 23, ibid.


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