(延伸 三千大道篇) 第八章 道言(1/1)
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tao generates one, to, three and all thgs

all the orldof the sae nature naturegood, and all thgs are born the naturethe earthnot only good, but also healthy the sage understands theand rulesthe orld, and practices theof the orld therefore, all thgs receive great achieveents and good deeds gods and iortal help heaven and earth, but they dare notbe light they respect, vae, receive and protect

thecansaid, not thethe nae cannaed, not the nae the begngthe unknon orld; the otherall thgs

itbetterhold the surps thanhave it;is better notkeep the sharp there are plentygold and jadethe hall,you can't guardif you are rich and proud, you ill leave yourfaultyou can get aay ith it, theof heaven illthe sae

therea ixturethgs, born naturally it's lonely, dependent and unchangeablecanthe otherheaven and earton't kno its natrong ordtao, antrong ordda the greater the tie, the greater the distance, the greater the opposition

so the roadbig, the skybig, the earthbig, and the people are big there are four regions, but onehuan settleents

huanand earth, earthand heaven, heavenand taoand nature



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