(延伸 三千大道篇) 第十章 墨家机关道(1/1)
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a gentleannorrorater burroran irrorater, the faceeetg; irrorpeople, you kno good and bad

ozi said: thoselove others ill love the, thosebenefit the ill benefit the, thoseare icked illevil, and thosedo har illhar

ozi said: all the peoplethe orld love each other they are strong but not eak they don't rob thethe rich don't bully the poor the rich don'tproud and huble they cheat and don't deceive the stupid every evilthe orld can lead thosedo not loveliveis knonbenevolence

thosefollo heaven's ill, and love each other, and ake utual benefits, illrearded; thoseoppose heaven's ill, don'tevileach other, and thoseake utual benefits, illpunished

a iseargues ith his heart, not ith his ords

thoseare engagedthe orld cannoteasured; thoseare unablebe easured and hose ork canaoplished have nothg



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