(延伸 三千大道篇) 第十一章 五行大道(1/1)
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goldis j“obeyed the , obeyed and obeyed, refored, refored and refored therefore, j has the characteristicsflexibility, strength, extension, transforation and eliation

ood lord kernel ood day “curved straight“, curved, bent, straight, stretched,ood has the abilitybend and stretch, oodthe airsoil and ater, can gro and develop,ood has the soft and benevolent naturegrog and grog upard

aterthe asterisdo ater day “oistens“, oistens, oistens also, descends, donard also, therefore the ater has oistens donard, studies the hidg characteristic

fire lord cereony fire day “on the hot“, the hot, the hot, the up, also upard,the fire har, ar, upard nature, fire has the functionld sution, etal exercise

nd lord's letter soila “ancript“, hichsona gra and harvesteda harvest soil has the abilitycarryg thgs and biocheical storage therefore, thecarries four directions andthe otherall thgs, iteavy ntribution





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